August 28, 2021

Boat to a Brat Invite

Duane Silkworth

From Steve Kubacki, President

Dear Pike Lake Neighbors,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have joined the Lake Association. I would encourage those of you who haven’t done so to strongly consider doing so. Our goals are simple, Keep and Make Pike Lake a better place for all!

From my perspective, we have some very talented and committed people who care deeply about the lake, its environmental integrity, and the vast resources that it provides from all recreational perspectives, both passive and active in nature.

I urge all of you who have not yet joined the Pike Lake Neighbors Lake Association to do so and become involved in our quest to limit the impact of invasive species on our special piece of the Northwoods. The dues are $50 annually and go entirely to work related efforts to maintain the quality of our Pike Lake. More information on dues and how to pay them can be found at

We will be hosting a “Boat to a Brat” event at Ruggers Landing from 11:OOAM to 1:00 PM on Sunday, September 5th during the Labor Day weekend.

This will be your opportunity to meet and get to know our diverse and committed group and to become more aware of our recent and future efforts to control the “Curly Leaf Pondweed” impact on our lake, the invasive species that we are facing at this point in time,

We are hoping that Zach Wilson of the Iron County Land and Conservation Department will make a brief presentation on the “Curly Leaf Pondweed” situation and efforts underway to control it on Pike Lake. This brief but informational presentation is expected to begin at noon on that Sunday, September at Ruggers Landing.

We welcome and encourage your attendance at the “Boat to a Brat” event (PS: you can walk, drive or swim to Ruggers, as well!) Thank you!

Steve Kubacki – President, Pike Lake Neighbors, Inc.

5618 Robin Drive

920 609-5492